Game Concept

In the game, players will mine natural resources that can be processed through several stages, converted into TOKENS, or used to develop their characters in-game. Every mining process will be taxed by the GOVERNOR and MAYOR, and they can also convert these resources into TOKENS for their own profit. However, to accelerate the growth of regions and districts, Governance requires many players, collecting taxes from them to develop the territories and win wars. Players will also receive wages from Governance officials for their efforts, paid in the in-game currency, which can also be converted into TOKENS.

All players holding RAWS tokens in their wallets have the opportunity to invest in the game by utilizing one of the main systems available in a REGION. This system helps boost the economy of other players through its features. It also generates income for Governors and investors.

Free-to-Play (F2P) players can start as SURVIVORS in the Metaverse Apocalypse, struggling against destruction, forming alliances or fighting with other players, gathering together to survive.


Players can choose to be a GOVERNOR, holding sovereignty and ruling over claimed territories, assisted by ADVISORS and MAYORS. Unite and govern the CIVILIANS, fight together to control other Regions, and make growth your legacy.

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